626 Cloud Property Variations in the Cloudy-to-Clear Transition Zones—A Comparison of Shortwave Spectral Observations on Different ARM Sites

Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Weidong Yang, Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research/USRA, Greenbelt, MD; and A. Marshak

The transition zone between cloudy and clear air is one of ideal regions for the observation of the strong aerosol-cloud interactions and of mixing/entrainment of cloud and dry air. Studying cloud and aerosol properties in the transition zone helps to better understanding of cloud-aerosol interactions and mixing processes.

We used zenith hyper-spectral measurements from ground-based shortwave instrument deployed during MAGIC (Marine ARM GPCI Investigation of Clouds) field campaign (LA-Hawaii-LA) and at SGP (Southern Great Plains) site to analysis how the cloud droplet size changes during the transition from cloudy to clear sky. Our analysis results based on the spectrally-invariant method show that: during MAGIC, most of cases (in summer) show nearly no changes in the droplet size; while in the site SGP, most of cases (in summer) demonstrate decreasing tendencies during the cloudy-to-clear transitions. These results suggest that “homogeneous” mixing dominates in the transition zones of SGP rather than those during MAGIC.

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