The four-dimensional ensemble-variational (4DEnVar) hybrid DA system based on the gridpoint statistical interpolation (GSI) system is being transitioned to the next generation global prediction system FV3GFS at NCEP. These two SDL variants are mathematically demonstrated in an EnVar system using the full B-preconditioning and implemented in the GSI-based 4DEnVar system. In this study, the impacts of these two SDL variants are examined for the FV3GFS global NWP with an emphasis on hurricane track forecasts. To apply the SDL method, the full field in the background ensemble forecasts is filtered into two scales to distinguish the synoptic and storm scales. The results from a single observation experiment using a hurricane example show that these two SDL variants produce the analysis increments that are distinguishable from each other and consistent with their own theoretical expectation. SDL-Cross shows more realistic increments than SDL-NoCross. A cycled DA experiment on Hurricane Irma (2017) is ongoing. The impacts of SDL-NoCross versus SDL-Cross on hurricane track forecasts will also be presented at the conference.