Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) estimates 22% of the 5.7 million vehicle crashes a year are weather-related. At Idaho National Laboratories (INL), home of the Department of Energy’s largest transit, heavy and light vehicle fleet in the nation, weather is a constant challenge for the 4,000 employees traveling the 45 to 65 mile stretch of road. Driving conditions can vary immensely; micro-climate conditions at INL site locations highways go unmonitored and causing severe challenges. INL has taken the initiative to review applicable technologies determining that addressing severe weather and road conditions through the application of advanced modeling methods holds promise for enhancing driver safety and dispatch planning. INL engaged IBM Global Business Services Advanced Analytics Center of Competency (CoC) Team for support in this effort. This presentation reviews the benefits expected, data surveyed, and how to use integrated sources and cognitive analytics to improve real-time weather forecasting and INL site fleet and operations planning.