Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 8:30 AM
North 229AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Spelman College is an undergraduate institution that is a leading producer of African American PHD’s in STEM fields; all of our students are women, and the vast majority are African American. Despite being a small college, Spelman ranks 5th in the nation among colleges and universities for the number of bachelor’s degrees in Science and Engineering awarded to African American students and 2nd in the nation as a baccalaureate-origin for black S&E doctorate recipients.
Environmental and health department is a relatively new department. We have three majors as environmental sciences, environmental studies and health science. Environmental and health department also teaches Introduction to environmental science as a general science course to the entire school. To increase more minority students in atmospheric science, we emphasize the labs and projects that students can learn by doing research. Also, we also increase the exposure of our experiences and devices to the campus for advertising our research and studies. We will introduce our projects and instruments, etc. for encouraging minority students in atmospheric science.