Monday, 7 January 2019: 3:00 PM
North 227A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) is an international organization that focuses on the global coordination of the operational meteorological satellite systems, including protection of in-orbit assets, contingency planning, improvement of data quality, support to users, facilitation of shared data access and development of the use of satellite products in key application areas including space weather. The growing emphasis of CGMS on space weather opens new opportunities for researchers to contribute to space weather service needs and to benefit from satellite measurements. The main areas of space weather emphasis by CGMS are continuity of space weather operational observations, coordination and exploitation of energetic particle measurements (radiation belts, ring current, and solar energetic particle events) and radio occultation measurements of the ionosphere. Tasks have been included in the CGMS 4-year work plan involving the intercalibration and interoperability of energetic particle measurements, the reporting and investigation of spacecraft anomalies, and the utilization of GNSS radio occultation measurements for ionospheric products. The goal of this session is to raise awareness of space weather activities addressed by CGMS and to encourage broad participation by space weather researchers. The participation of CGMS in the WMO space weather efforts will also be discussed.