In this work, we describe research on a real-time, ensemble streamflow data assimilation (DA) system that may be considered for operational use of the NWM. The system, referred to as “Hydro-DART”, couples the the NWM’s channel model to NCAR’s Data Assimilation Research Testbed ( “DART”). DART provides state-of-the-art assimilation tools, such as localization and spatiotemporally-varying adaptive inflation, which are both adaptable and scalable to the goals of streamflow assimilation with the NWM. Our research approach centers on updating the model state of channel discharge via ensemble Kalman filter using along-stream-channel localization. In this presentation, we present comparisons with the current NWM nudging scheme at small and regional domains, including large-scale extreme flooding events such as Hurricane Matthew. We discuss the potential pathway to operations and how the work relates to the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration.