3.3 Impact-Based Decision Support Lessons Learned from China Meteorological Administration's National Early Warning Release System

Thursday, 10 January 2019: 11:30 AM
North 222C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Katherine Edwards, NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and A. Bailey

Impact-Based Decision Support (IDSS) services are a critical element in the Weather-Ready Nations effort, especially when preparing for and responding to large-scale, life threatening flooding. NWS traveled to learn about China Meteorological Administration's (CMA) IDSS implementation strategies and tactics firsthand, including a visit to CMA's Shenzhen Meteorological Service, a local forecast office and tropical center, and their local emergency management partners' emergency response command center. China has implemented a National Early Warning Release System that leverages emergency response resource data, various civil agencies' dissemination systems and a wide network of volunteers to communicate weather hazard and potential impact information. Many principles could be applied in the U.S., including leveraging community weather enthusiasts to disseminate lifesaving information, and enhancing state and federal partnership strategies. This presentation will review some of these applicable principles and suggested paths forward.
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