To find the origin of this rotation, an idealized simulation of a supercell thunderstorm is performed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Advanced Research WRF (WRF-ARW) model and parcels in rotating regions at the cloud-top are tracked to their source with backward trajectories. The impact of artifacts in flow field derivation are also explored with multiple new case studies of severe DC with rotation in the cloud tops GOES–16 and –17 imagery. Early findings suggest that rotation derived directly over the overshooting tops of supercell thunderstorms is likely generated through tilting and subsequent stretching of horizontal vorticity present due to vertical wind shear below 10 km. This rotation is rapidly reduced through the unfavorable stretching environment present in the diverging storm top. Rotation observed downstream of overshooting tops is created though tilting of baroclinically generated rotation near the cloud-top, and is an order of magnitude larger than what occurs below 10 km. Artifacts in flow field derivation also impact rotation more downstream of overshooting tops when Above Anvil Cirrus Plumes are present. The results to be presented here suggest that isolating the cause and origin of rotation in derived flow fields can improve our understanding on how to interpret flow in SRS satellite imagery and infer internal dynamics of DC relevant to severe weather nowcasting.