We examine several cases from SNOWIE, comparing and contrasting the microphysical characteristics of perturbed and natural clouds that evolve in identical environments. Our analyses rely on detailed in situ observations of hydrometeor size, concentration, and phase partitioning, collected onboard the University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) during repeated passes through cloud. The in situ observations are augmented with vertical profiles from an airborne high-resolution W-band cloud radar (WCR) and a polarization backscatter cloud lidar (WCL) on the UWKA. The analysis will show that in many cases, the addition of AgI as a highly active INP at modestly warm temperatures dramatically increases production of ice beyond the natural state of the cloud and rapidly transitions super-cooled liquid into ice through both riming/accretion and the Findeisen-Bergeron process. Which process dominates appears to depend on many factors including the initial natural state of the cloud and the condensate supply rate after ice has been initiated. We also will demonstrate that the amount of natural ice present limits the ability to detect a change in cloud microphysical characteristic, if such a change even exists. Lastly, we explore the conditions by which natural clouds may be more or less susceptible to modification through the addition of INPs. This work has implications leading to a greater understanding of aerosol loading for both intentionally and unintentionally modified clouds.