My presentation describes the regional climate model (SNURCM) based on MM5 and a recent application of tropical cyclone simulations within the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)-East Asia, WCRP/WMO. SNURCM and four other regional climate models with horizontal resolution of 50 km were driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis data over the western North Pacific for 20 years (1989–2008). Individual models showed significant biases of simulated tropical cyclone with intensity underestimated due to relatively low horizontal resolutions (Figure 1). Nonetheless, they reasonably captured observed climatological spatial distribution and interannual variability of tropical cyclone activity. For simulated interannual variability, most models showed approximately one half of observed mean accumulated cyclone energy and high correlation coefficients above 0.6. In general, Multi-RCM ensemble mean based on model performance outperformed the individual models with smaller biases and higher correlations on the spatial and temporal variation of tropical cyclone activity. Multi-RCM ensembles driven by multi-GCM projections can provide useful regional information on climate change projections of tropical cyclone activity.