3.4 Working with Planetary-Scale Data in the Cloud and on the Ground

Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 9:15 AM
North 224A (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Joe Flasher, Amazon

When data is shared on AWS, it can be analyzed using on-demand computing resources quickly and efficiently. Users can work with any amount of data without needing to download it or store their own copies. When heavy data like imagery, genomics data, or volumes of sensor data are available in AWS's cloud, the time required to copy the data to a virtual server for analysis is virtually eliminated, cutting down the time to insight. We will share lessons learned from our experience supporting a global community of entrepreneurs, students and researchers by making petabytes of data freely available for anyone to use in the cloud for analysis. We will also take a look at use cases where you may want to take a piece of the cloud with you locally.
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