Sunday, 6 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Abstract: A research project at the University of North Dakota (UND), made possible by
the Maximizing Access through Research Careers (MARC) program, is focused on
collecting data from thunderstorms to see if bacteria exists in upper parts of
thunderstorms. Bacteria are believed to be an important source of ice nuclei that can
affect the microphysics of clouds. The project will collect bacteria on filters to determine
their abundance and type. The proposed methodology is to conduct bacteria sampling
using the North Dakota Citation Research Aircraft. The Citation Research Aircraft will
be conducting a two week (20-30 flight hours) project in northern Florida during July of
2019 to obtain cirrus cloud measurements using a suit of in-situ cloud physics probes.
The bacteria sampling will be auxiliary to the main measurement focus of the project;
therefore, samples will be conducted when opportunities present themselves. The
collected samples will be analyzed in the lab to determine the amount and type of
bacteria found at different altitude levels and different flight days. Previous research
indicates that bacteria do exist in thunderstorms; however, there are very few
observations made in the upper parts of a thunderstorm where the temperatures are
very cold. Previous observations will be reviewed, and the proposed sampling
methodology and laboratory analysis details will be described.
the Maximizing Access through Research Careers (MARC) program, is focused on
collecting data from thunderstorms to see if bacteria exists in upper parts of
thunderstorms. Bacteria are believed to be an important source of ice nuclei that can
affect the microphysics of clouds. The project will collect bacteria on filters to determine
their abundance and type. The proposed methodology is to conduct bacteria sampling
using the North Dakota Citation Research Aircraft. The Citation Research Aircraft will
be conducting a two week (20-30 flight hours) project in northern Florida during July of
2019 to obtain cirrus cloud measurements using a suit of in-situ cloud physics probes.
The bacteria sampling will be auxiliary to the main measurement focus of the project;
therefore, samples will be conducted when opportunities present themselves. The
collected samples will be analyzed in the lab to determine the amount and type of
bacteria found at different altitude levels and different flight days. Previous research
indicates that bacteria do exist in thunderstorms; however, there are very few
observations made in the upper parts of a thunderstorm where the temperatures are
very cold. Previous observations will be reviewed, and the proposed sampling
methodology and laboratory analysis details will be described.