Session 1A Resilience, Communication, and Decision Support for Extreme Events—Part I

Monday, 7 January 2019: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
North 131C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: 35th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies
Larry E. Brazil, Riverside Technology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO and George Smith, Riverside Technology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO

Extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common. Sadly, the occurrence of each event brings the threat of loss of life and property. Current technology, research, and communications have the potential to significantly mitigate these losses by bringing information to the people who need it most.  The “Resilience, Communication, and Decision Support for Extreme Events” session will focus on tools, technology, data, and research available domestically and internationally to enable awareness, preparation and response; to build resilience; to improve communication; and to provide decision support in extreme events to national and municipal managers, emergency responders, local businesses, and the public at large.

Paper 1A.1 has been moved. New paper number is 2.2A.

8:30 AM
Targeted Dust Storm Warnings Implemented
Ken R. Waters, NWS Forecast Office, Phoenix, AZ; and A. Horvitz and K. Drozd

9:15 AM
A Subseasonal Forecast Index Focused on the Risk of Extremes
Richard P James, Prescient Weather Ltd., State College, PA; and J. D. Ross, J. A. Dutton, and J. Dutton
9:30 AM
NASA GES DISC’s Analytic Service for Extreme Weather Events from MERRA-2
Suhung Shen, NASA GSFC/GES DISC, Greenbelt, MD; and D. Ostrenga, E. Sherman, J. Wei, F. Fang, B. Vollmer, and D. Meyer
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner