During the 98th AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, a group of students shared anecdotes of feeling unaware and unprepared to act upon the breadth of career opportunities that exist in the private sector. Meteorology students at all academic levels and their academic institutions are not well aligned on the importance of skills that will allow them to succeed in pursuing a private sector career path. In the summer of 2019, an NSF/AMS/NCAR workshop will bring together academia and the private sector to 1) identify curriculum gaps related to preparing students for careers in the private sector; 2) discuss these gaps, challenges, and creative solutions that can be scaled across the academic and private sectors; 3) create a set of recommendations that can be used by departments across the country to modify their curricula in order to address these gaps; 4) create a set of recommendations for the private sector to take a more active role in directly addressing skills gaps through internships, capstones, and partnerships with academic programs; and 5) promote future venues for sparking mutual innovation between the private sector and academia, driven by students.