1192 Similarities and Differences of Interactions among Synoptic and Mesoscale Weather Systems during 3–5 March and 11–13 April 2019 Events

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Ralph Johnson, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Manuscript (5.1 MB)

The 11 - 13 April 2019 event had a total 64 tornadoes across the lower Mississippi valley, east Texas and Alabama. The winter weather included light to moderate snow that fell over North and South Dakota, Minnesota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The 3 - 5 march 2019 event had a total of 50 tornadoes concentrated over southeast Alabama, southern Georgia and central South Carolina. The event winter weather included heavy snow even blizzard over the pper Mississippi valley and lower Great Lakes. It is my belief supported by this research that understanding the similarities and differences of interactions among synoptic and mesoscale weather systems, in particular mesoscale processes, theses events and others during which these there are regional occurrences significant winter and severe weather during the same event that further understanding can be acquired and more timely , accurate forecast can be mad, thus minimizing inconvenience and lost of lives of the hazards.
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