2.4 Sampling Hurricanes Using a Small Unmanned Aircraft System

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 11:15 AM
205B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Joseph J. Cione, AOML, Miami, FL; and G. H. Bryan, R. J. Dobosy, J. A. Zhang, G. de Boer, A. Aksoy, J. B. Wadler, E. A. Kalina, B. A. Dahl, K. E. Ryan, J. Neuhaus, E. Dumas, F. D. Marks, A. Farber, T. Hock, and X. Chen

During the 2017 and 2018 hurricane seasons, NOAA conducted seven (7) ground-breaking small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) experiments in Major Hurricanes Maria (2017) and Michael (2018). Using NOAA's P-3 reconnaissance aircraft as a deployment vehicle, the sUAS collected high frequency (> 1 Hz) observations in the turbulent boundary layer of hurricane eyewalls, including measurements of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, temperature, moisture, and sea surface temperature. Among the most notable results from these missions are measurements of turbulence kinetic energy and momentum flux for the first time at low levels (< 150 m) in a hurricane eyewall. Analyses from a large eddy simulation (LES) place the Coyote observations into context within the complicated high-wind eyewall region. Results presented highlight the potential of sUAS operations in hurricanes, and suggest opportunities for future work using these promising new observing platforms.
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