1154 The Effect of ENSO Events on Tornadic Activity over the Spring Months of April–June in Dixie Alley from 1983 to 2013

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Caitlin Lawrence, Carmichaels, PA

Handout (391.4 kB)

This research analyzed the total number of tornadoes and the most intense tornadoes ranging from F3-F5 on the Fujita Scale that developed in relation to the Oceanic Nino Index values from 1983-2013 in the southeastern United States. The data was recorded during the spring months of April through June. Throughout the data analysis, the southeastern states of the Dixie Alley region were analyzed to investigate the possibility of a relationship between the ENSO cycle and spring tornadic activity and strength over this area for these thirty identified years and months. The data was analyzed to show that they were statistically significant and meteorologically reasonable.

Supplementary URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caitlin-lawrence-780b9724/

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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