897 Homogeneity of Ozone Data from MERRA-2 and ERA-5

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Peter Krizan, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic; and M. Kozubek and J. Lastovicka

For a proper trend analyse we need high quality homogeneous data. But in the data from reanalyses some breaks or shifts may occur due to exploitation various data sources and due to the fact the number of assimilated data increases. The aim of this paper is to find breaks in ozone data from MERRA 2 and ERA -5 reanalyse. We plan to use both daily values and monthly means of ozone at layers above 500 hPa and at these layers we perform standard homogeneity test. We perform this test also for ozone content above 500 hPa which will be obtained as an integration of ozone concentration from layers above 500 hPa. We perform this analyses for all months. The results of this poster will be knowledge about temporal and spatial distributions of breaks in reanalyse which will be used in subsequent trend analyse
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