1158 Interannual Variability of Submonthly Disturbances and the Associated Tropical Cyclones in the East Asian Summer Monsoon Region

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Ken-Chung Ko, National Kaohsiung Normal Univ., Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Years were divided into ENSO (EN) and La Nina (LN) years for summertime wave patterns associated with 5-16 day fluctuations at 850 hPa. The results showed that tropical cyclone (TC) tracks were closely linked to the activity of the wave patterns. When the activity of the wave patterns was strong in the EN years, TCs would follow the propagation routes of the cyclonic anomalies of the wave patterns and separated into two types of tracks: straight-moving and recurving. However, in the LN years when the structure of the wave patterns was weak and poorly organized, the cyclonic anomalies became irregular and vague. The weakening structure of the wave patterns in the LN years would induce the TCs to undergo more scattered routes near Taiwan.
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