5A.5 Advancing Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) Capabilities and Methods at Center Weather Service Units (CWSUs) through Collaboration and Teamwork

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 11:30 AM
157C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
David Tomalak Tomalak, NWS, Arvada, CO

The National Weather Service (NWS) Center Weather Service Unit (CWSU) meteorologists provide support for the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) air traffic management by relaying critical meteorological information for airports and airspace in the control center’s area of responsibility. The CWSU’s were formed as an indirect response to the devastating crash of Southern Airways flight 242 within a thunderstorm near Atlanta, Georgia in 1978. Since they were established, CWSU NWS meteorologists have directly supported aviation customers by providing detailed weather information 16 hours a day, 7 days a week from 21 offices nationwide. The CWSU mission is to provide the most accurate and dependable weather information to their FAA customers, both inside the control center and in the air, thereby supporting the safest and most efficient use of our nation's National Airspace System.

In a typical day, CWSU meteorologists perform many functions, but arguably none are more important than face-to-face briefings to air traffic controllers. These face-to-face briefings let the meteorologist convey a variety of tailored weather information to air traffic controllers using science, experience and a number of forecast tools. This is vital in helping FAA personnel safely and efficiently route traffic. Other functions of CWSU meteorologists include producing and disseminating Center Weather Advisories (CWAs) and Meteorological Impact Statements (MISs).

Over the past five years, the role of AWIPS Thin Client (ARD) has increased significantly at the CWSU. Additional capabilities and performance have allowed CWSU forecasters to expand and collaborate on new briefing techniques and tools to help optimize their services. These capabilities extend over a diverse air space over the continental United States, as well as Alaska, Hawaii, and even Pago Pago, American Samoa. This presentation will highlight a number of collaborative successes that helped advance AWIPS capabilities. This presentation will also discuss the importance of collaboration and teamwork as we explore new methods and efforts that will help advance the effectiveness of their mission. A few enhancements discussed include increased situational awareness, improved collaboration and decision support services, significantly improved network services, and performance enhancements.

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