Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 11:45 AM
157C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Collaboration between Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) and the Weather Prediction Center (WPC) has historically been through web interfaces and chat services. In order to allow for streamlined collaboration, WPC has aggressively started down a path to migrate product development to the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE). This plan has allowed WPC to migrate QPF and Medium-Range production to migrate to GFE and provide more one to one collaboration efforts to align with the goals of the National Weather Service (NWS) Fully Integrated Field Structure.
Within AWIPS, WPC forecasters are using mesoscale editing tools and situational awareness procedures that have been proven effective at the WFO level. Additional AWIPS tools have been developed that help meet the scientific needs of the WPC Operational Forecast Desks. Tools that simplify and enable scientific edits to the National Blend of Models have been incorporated into the operational workflow. WPC forecasters are now able to use these tools to make edits on a 5-km CONUS grid, with work ongoing to downscale to 2.5 km.
This presentation will demonstrate how WPC is using AWIPS to incorporate cutting-edge science and forecasting techniques into their products in addition to improving collaboration with WFOs.