2.3 Utilizing Technology to Keep Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky Viewers Safe during the 21 June 2019 Derecho

Monday, 13 January 2020: 11:00 AM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Danielle Breezy, WKRN-TV, Nashville, TN; and D. Nolan

During the evening hours of June 21, 2019, Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky experienced the most widespread damaging wind event in at least 15 years when a Derecho that spanned numerous states produced significant wind damage in every Middle Tennessee county. There were also 12 confirmed tornadoes, some later confirmed thanks to outreach by viewers on social media. Meteorologists Danielle Breezy and Davis Nolan will discuss how both on air coverage and social media platforms can be utilized to keep viewers safe. Through this relationship, they were able to create trust and an open dialogue where viewers ultimately help inform and confirm tornadoes which would have otherwise been unknown.
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