Session 2 Communicating Resilience to Your Viewers

Monday, 13 January 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 48th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology
Brandon Rector, Extreme Events Institute, Florida International Univ., International Hurricane Research Center, Miami, FL

This session would focus on resilience to extreme weather events as it relates to the built environment. How will hurricanes, tornadoes and floods affect homes, schools and businesses in your local community? How can the TV media communicate the topics of mitigation, retrofitting, hurricane shutters, home wind inspections, local building codes and building code-plus? Building codes need to be upgraded across the country for wind and water, hurricanes and tornadoes. Did you know that for every one dollar spent on mitigation, saves six dollars on damage and clean-up. Home mitigation can translate to insurance discounts and lower payments. Are there homes in your community built in a flood zone or storm surge zone? Are there a lot of residents living in manufactured homes in your viewing area? Speakers would make brief presentations followed by a panel Q&A with the audience.

10:45 AM
Cape Cod: No Tornadoes since 1977, Then Five within a Year
Matthew Cappucci, The Washington Post, Washington, DC
11:15 AM
Lightning and Lightning Safety
John Jensenius Jr., Cumberland, ME
11:45 AM
The FIU “WOW” Factor!
Erik Salna, Extreme Events Institute, Florida International Univ., Miami, FL
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner