271 Column CO2 Retrievals from ACES Airborne Lidar Measurements during ACT-America: Case Study from Spring 2018 Campaign

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Abigail M. Corbett, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and B. Lin, M. D. Obland, J. Campbell, S. A. Kooi, and E. V. Browell

During the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport–America (ACT–America) Spring 2018 campaign, the ASCENDS (Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons) CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES) was utilized to measure partial-column CO2 lidar measurements from the flight altitude to surface while aboard the C-130 aircraft. ACES is an intensity-modulated continuous-wave (IM-CW) lidar developed by the NASA Langley Research Center to measure column-averaged CO2 mixing ratio (XCO2). ACES measurements made during the Spring 2018 campaign were processed, analyzed, and compared to the CO2 optical depths and XCO2 values derived from airborne in situ CO2 concentration and meteorological profiling measurements using the HITRAN spectroscopic model. This paper describes the processing, validation, and analysis of the ACES CO2 measurements.
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