Poster Session 1 22nd ATM Chem Poster Session I

Monday, 13 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 22nd Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry
Jonathan Jiang, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Evaluation of NAQFC Performance during an Air Pollution Episode in Maryland and the "Postmortem" Analysis Using WRF-CMAQ Simulations
Hao He, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD; and T. Canty, X. Ren, P. Lee, D. Tong, J. Dreessen, M. Woodman, and R. R. Dickerson

Estimating Fugitive Methane Emissions from Metering and Regulating Stations in Ohio
Vijaya Raghava Gorantla, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA; and G. Bhandari and N. Pekney

Handout (1.3 MB)

GreenLITE Measurements to Quantify Emissions from Oil Sands Processing: Alberta Case Study
Timothy Pernini, AER, Lexington, MA; and T. S. Zaccheo, J. T. Dobler, and N. Blume

Multiseason Thermogenic Methane Emission Fraction Determination from a Survey of Seven U.S. Cities
Cody Floerchinger, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; and P. B. Shepson, K. Hajny, B. Daube, C. Sweeney, and S. C. Wofsy

Sexual Harassment in Atmospheric Science Field Campaigns: Does It Happen Here? How Do We Stop It?
E. V. Fischer, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and B. Bloodhart, K. L. Rasmussen, M. Hastings, E. Marin-Spiotta, and R. Barnes

Quantifying and Reducing Halocarbon Emissions at Academic Institutions
Martin J. Wolf, MIT, Cambridge, MA; and A. Meier, B. Nyland, S. Youn, D. Stump, and W. Jacobs

Evaluation of Online and Offline Regional Modeled CO2 Transport with INFLUX Observations
Qingyu Wang, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and S. Crowell, X. M. Hu, and K. J. Davis

Detection of CH4 Point Source Emissions in TROPOMI Data
Sean Crowell, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and E. DeAngeli

Column CO2 Retrievals from ACES Airborne Lidar Measurements during ACT-America: Case Study from Spring 2018 Campaign
Abigail M. Corbett, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and B. Lin, M. D. Obland, J. Campbell, S. A. Kooi, and E. V. Browell

Improved Line Positions and Intensities of the CO2 Molecule for the HITRAN2020 Database
Ekaterina Karlovets, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA; and I. E. Gordon, L. S. Rothman, Y. Tan, G. C. Toon, A. Campargue, V. I. Perevalov, and S. A. Tashkun

Monitoring Urban Greenhouse Gases in Downtown Toronto Using Open-Path Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
Yuan You, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; and B. Byrne, K. Strong, O. Colebatch, D. B. A. Jones, P. Fogal, R. Mittermeier, D. Worthy, and D. W. T. Griffith

Approximated Expression of the Hygroscopic Growth Factor for Polydispersed Aerosols
Chang Hoon Jung, Kyungin Women's Univ., Incheon, Korea, Republic of (South); and J. Lee, J. UM, Y. J. Yoon, and Y. P. Kim

Wildfire-Driven Changes in the Abundance of Gas Phase Pollutants in Boise, Idaho, during Summer 2018
Emily Lill, The Ohio State Univ., Waynesville, OH; and J. Lindaas, J. Juncosa, T. Campos, F. Flocke, E. C. Apel, R. S. Hornbrook, A. J. Hills, K. Ullmann, N. J. Blake, A. Jarnot, W. Permar, L. Hu, A. J. Weinheimer, S. Hall, and E. Fischer

Biomass Burning–Induced Surface Darkening and Its Impact on Regional Meteorology in Eastern China
Rong Tang, Joint International Research Laboratory of Atmospheric and Earth System Sciences, Nanjing, China; and X. Huang and A. Ding

Observational Constraints on Ambient Brown Carbon with IMPROVE Network Observations
Nicole June, The Pennsylvania State Univ., Univ. Park, PA; and X. Wang, L. W. A. Chen, J. C. Chow, J. G. Watson, X. Wang, and J. Mao

Monitoring Air Quality in North Korea from Space
Heesung Chong, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South); and J. Kim, S. Lee, Y. Cho, J. H. Koo, Y. P. Kim, D. H. Ahn, and Y. S. Choi

Effects of Transboundary Transport on Korean Aerosol Pollution: Application of Geostationary Satellite Observations
Seoyoung Lee, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South); and J. Kim, J. H. Koo, H. Lim, S. W. Kim, and Y. S. Choi

Long-Term Variations in Winter PM10 Concentrations over East Asia Influenced by Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulations
Greem Lee, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South); and C. H. Ho, L. S. Chang, J. Kim, M. K. Kim, and S. J. Kim

Lagrangian Analysis of Ozone Production in the Baltimore–Washington Metropolitan Area Based on Air Parcel Trajectories and In Situ Airborne Measurements from the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
Heather Arkinson, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD; and L. Brent, H. He, C. P. Loughner, J. W. Stehr, A. Weinheimer, and R. R. Dickerson

Handout (2.0 MB)

Understanding Ozone Pollution in Yrd from the Perspective of Diurnal Cycles in 2013–17
Jiawei Xu, Nanjing Univ., Nanjing, China; and N. Wang, Y. Li, X. Huang, and A. Ding

Early Results and New Insights into Tropospheric NO2 Variability from a Network of Pandora Spectrometers in a Coastal Urban Environment
Taylor Jonathan Adams, Boston Univ., Boston, MA; and J. A. Geddes, G. G. Abad, A. H. Souri, C. Miller, C. R. Nowlan, Y. Jung, and K. Chance

Urban Air Quality: Revisiting the Case of Mexico City
Bernhard Rappenglueck, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX; and A. Retama, O. O. Osibanjo, and M. Jaimes-Palomera

Finescale Air Quality Modeling over the Denver Area: Model Evaluation and Sensitivity Simulations
Kai Wang, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC; and Y. Zhang, P. Doraiswamy, and S. H. Cho

Coupling CMAQv5.3 with FV3 and Its Intercomparison with FV3-CMAQv5.0.2 for the Next Generation of the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability
Xiao-Yang Chen, Raleigh, NC; and Y. Zhang, D. Tong, P. Lee, Y. Tang, H. Pye, B. Murphy, and D. Kang

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner