Despite their environmental harm, halocarbons are extensively used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and foam blowing applications. While the production and disposal of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are federally regulated, hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) production and use remain largely uncontrolled in the United States. In the absence of stringent federal regulation, private entities have broad discretion in reducing their use and emission of halocarbon refrigerants. We introduce best practices for academic institutions to (1) improve halocarbon use and leakage inventories, (2) reduce halocarbon emissions, and (3) adopt greener refrigeration and air conditioning technologies.
We quantified the halocarbon use and emissions inventories of several Boston area universities. The ratio – and environmental impact – of regulated (CFC & HCFC) and unregulated (HFC) refrigerant use varies widely depending on the age of an institution’s refrigeration and air conditioning infrastructure. Annual halocarbon emissions account for less than 2% of a typical institution’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, we estimate the total halocarbon emissions from schools in the Boston Green Ribbon Commission Higher Education Working Group are equivalent to 13,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. Collective efforts to adopt alternative refrigerants can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We conclude by discussing the challenges and benefits to academic institutions when adopting alternatives to halocarbon technology. Relevant factors include cost savings, energy use, and the effects of temperature on students’ cognitive performance.