6B.3 Diversity of El Niño Events and Its Impact on East Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 2:00 PM
154 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Jianjun Xu, Guangdong Ocean Univ., Zhanjiang, China; and S. Yuan and H. Xu

In this paper, three strong El Niño events (1982-1983, 1997-1998, and 2015-2016) were selected from nearly four decades (1979-2017). Firstly, SST anomaly data were used to analyze the strong El Niño event. Based on the diversity characteristics, the summer precipitation anomalies between the three strong El Niño events and the following year were then used to discuss the differences in the responses of the East Asian summer monsoon precipitation to the El Niño event diversity. Studies have shown that even with the strong El Niño event, due to the diversity of the characteristics, the response field of the East Asian summer monsoon precipitation shows a great deal of difference. On this basis, the possible mechanisms of the relationship between the two are discussed from the anomaly of the circulation, the anomaly of the 850 hPa wind field and the change of the subtropical high.
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