Following suit, development of convection-allowing applications are underway at the Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) in close collaboration with NOAA Labs (e.g. ESRL, NSSL, AOML, GFDL), partner organizations (e.g. DTC), and wider academic partners. The ultimate goal of this work is the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS), a convection-allowing ensemble data assimilation and prediction system having rapid updates (≤ 1 hour) - which will be a component of the greater UFS framework.
Progress toward the RRFS with a 3-km Stand Alone Regional (SAR) version of the FV3 dynamic core will be presented with a focus on recent real-time evaluations in testbeds, physics/dynamics testing, advances in data assimilation, and challenges in high performance computing. Plans for the retirement of existing operational regional systems to facilitate the eventual implementation of the RRFS will also be discussed.