11A.1 Investigation of Mei-Yu Frontal Systems through the Integrative Analysis of Ground-Based, Aircraft, and Satellite Observations

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 8:30 AM
258C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Chunguang Cui, Institute of Heavy Rain, CMA,Wuhan, Wuhan, China; and X. Dong

The Integrative Monsoon Frontal Rainfall Experiment (IMFRE) took place from June to July 2018 during the Meiyu period at the Middle-Yangtze River. The experiment was a collaborative effort between the Institute of Heavy Rain, China Meteorological Administration, and the University of Arizona. Based on the preliminary analysis of the Ground-Airborne-Satellite observations, the study aims to tackle the following questions: (1) How to detect microphysical parameters associated with mesoscale convective system and heavy rain? (2) How to analyze the hydrometeor phase transitions in clouds and their relationship with surface precipitation? (3) Whether the obtained Multiple sources observations dataset are sufficient for the development of new microphysical parameterization scheme? The IMFRE experiment is the first Meiyu Front field campaign combining grounded, airborned instruments and satellite in China, and a fruitful collection of observational data were generated, which refreshes the recognition of Meiyu Front features. More importantly, it lays the foundation for further investigation and the modeling of Mei-yu frontal systems in the future.
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