3.2 TIROS-1 Established the Foundation for Today’s Remarkable JPSS and GOES-R Satellite Systems

Monday, 13 January 2020: 2:15 PM
253B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
G. Dittberner, CIRA, Springfield, VA; and T. Vonder Haar
Manuscript (7.1 MB)

This year, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of TIROS-1, the first weather satellite, launched on April 1, 1960. TIROS-1 and follow-on satellites solidified the groundwork to conceive, invent, develop, and generate advancements now in use for today’s advanced JPSS and GOES-R satellite systems. Visionaries such as Verner Suomi and others developed instruments, satellite designs, orbits, and meteorological procedures advancing improvements in operational forecasts. This presentation describes the early decades of weather satellite history, development, evolution, and operational weather applications.
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