2.3 The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System: Support for the International Antarctic Enterprise

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 11:15 AM
212 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Jordan G. Powers, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and K. W. Manning

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is a real-time atmospheric modeling capability covering Antarctica and the high southern latitudes.
In operation since 2000, it currently employs both Weather Research and Forecasting Model and the Model for Prediction Across Scales to generate a
broad range of numerical and graphical products. While its primary mission is to supply guidance for the weather forecasters of the United States Antarctic
Program, this U.S. effort has provided assistance to a host of nations operating across the continent. AMPS has been a resource for Antarctic science, used
for studies of international researchers and for support of field campaigns. The effort has also been a driver or contributor in international collaborations
such as the annual Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, the International Polar Year, and the Year of Polar Prediction. This presentation will
describe AMPS and demonstrate how this U.S. effort supports and strengthens the cooperative international Antarctic enterprise.
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