1136 Interaction between the Tropical Ocean and Antarctic Climate

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Diao Siyue, Shenyang Agricultural Univ., Shenyang, China

In this work, the relationship between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Antarctic regional climate and the sea-ice distribution are discussed. A series statistic analysis (Regression, EOF and Maximized Covariance Analysis) were performed, using ECMWF, MERRA and Hadley Center SST/Sea Ice reanalysis data, which shows that the AMO is highly related to the distribution of the sea ice around West Antarctica, as well as the Polar Climate. We then perform a series of simulation using CESM, by changing the heat flux from the Ocean to the atmosphere (as well as the sea ice distribution, the Greenhouse Gas and Ozone). The results shows that the SST change in Atlantic region can enhance the deep convection, which further impact on subtropical jet, generate a Rossby Wave and propagate to Antarctic Region. The linearity of Model response to the SST forcing are also discussed by dramatically changing the amplitude of SST forcing.
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