6.2 Identifying the Socioeconomic Value of NOAA’s Data and Services: Connecting NOAA’s Value Tree Model to End Users and the Economy

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 3:15 PM
152 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Joseph Conran, Riverside Technology, Inc., Silver Spring, MD; and A. Pratt, D. Helms, T. Vo Dinh, M. Grasso, J. Adkins, A. Brinson, C. Lauer, and S. J. Taijeron

Identifying how Earth (and space?) observations benefit society is an important step in understanding how NOAA’s services benefit the American economy. Within NOAA, the Technology, Planning, and Integration for Observation (TPIO) division is working closely with the Office of the NOAA Chief Economist to connect the division’s internal value tree model to use of NOAA products by external users and industries. By identifying these relationships, TPIO and the Office of the Chief Economist will be able to better inform and support decision-making processes by NOAA and its leadership.

This talk will describe the value tree maintained by TPIO, examples of economic studies using this value tree, current efforts in TPIO to develop connections to external users and the economy, and future efforts to improve this type of analysis.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner