Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 8:45 AM
152 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
A time series analysis of the perspectives of Hurricane Michael survivors provides a retrospective analysis of the messaging process, calls to action, and actions taken during the October 2018 event in North Florida, Southeast Alabama, and Southwest Georgia. Survivors in these locations have been interviewed and surveyed at extended time points since the event to provide in-depth perspectives on what they did at the time of the event and how those perspectives have evolved with time since the event. Using a snowball sampling method, researchers have extended their analysis to new contacts in the region and the weather enterprise for their perspectives, as well as revisits to previous contacts. Collecting this data through the extended recovery in the region allows for insights not previously available earlier in the recovery process and also allows a comparison of perspectives from that earlier time frame with more recent perspectives as the region prepares for and engages the 2019 hurricane season.