207 IBM’s Storm Technical Council Outreach Program

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Michael J. Ventrice, The Weather Company, Andover, MA; and C. Stiles and A. P. Praino

The Weather Company/IBM’s Storm Technical Council (TSC) Outreach Program is a new global initiative to provide information to students ranging from K-12, as well as Undergraduate & Graduate Students, about the role of weather on life, property, and business. Meteorologists from the Weather Company will provide this information through online video chats or in person visits to a particular school or university. One example of this program was a Weather Company Meteorologist’s visit to Andover, MA, High School in which a presentation titled, “The Importance of Computer Programming in the Private Sector of Meteorology” was given to a senior-level Computer Science class. The Weather Company/IBM will continue to develop this new initiative and staff are available to communicate Meteorological topics with interested parties.
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