Poster Session 1 Precollege Initiatives and Engagement in Atmospheric Education Poster Session

Monday, 13 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 29th Conference on Education

A Case Study of How AMS Mentoring and Meetings Can Help Develop Young Meteorologists
Mackenzie Pavlik, Concord–Carlisle High School, Concord, MA; and M. B. Yarker and T. Ruggiero

IBM’s Storm Technical Council Outreach Program
Michael J. Ventrice, The Weather Company, Andover, MA; and C. Stiles and A. P. Praino

Integrating the Wedge Stabilization Game into Agricultural Education and Outreach Initiatives
Robert Simpson, Univ. of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN; and R. Tewari, J. E. Mehlhorn, B. Parr, and N. Musunuru

Using Local Examples of Wildlife Climate Adaptation to Start a Student-Centered, Nationwide Dialog on Climate Change
Danielle F. Lawson, North Carolina State Univ., North Carolina, NC; and A. E. Nesbitt, B. Whitehouse, D. E. Horton, K. T. Stevenson, M. N. Peterson, and D. J. Wuebbles

Communicating Weather Information to High School Students: What Do They Really Want?
Jeffrey A. Yuhas, Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ; and M. DeSimone, E. Zakhary, S. Yuhas, K. Magnotta, and D. Braunstein

Building and Programming a High School CO2 Monitoring System
Jeffrey A. Yuhas, Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ; and M. R. Bednarek and K. Gonyea

No Correlation between Precipitation Amounts (Rain Gauge) and Brightness Temperature (GOES-16 ABI, Band 13)
Vicky Gorman, Citizen Science Education Program, Medford, NJ; and E. Garistina, L. Michaels, M. Doshi, and A. Fricke

CIMSS Student Workshop: STEM before STEM was Cool
Maria Vasys, CIMSS, Madison, WI; and M. Mooney, D. Herndon, P. Janssen, and I. Nasif

Handout (6.1 MB)

Improving K–12 Instruction of Coastal Climatology and Tree-Ring Science with the Louisiana Sea Grant
Jill Trepanier, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA; and C. S. Tucker, P. Blanchard, J. R. Jordan, and M. Schafer

Handout (49.8 MB)

Measuring Weather Together: The Role That Personal Weather Observations and Mentoring Partnerships Play in Engaging Students in Meteorology
William Owen, Concord–Carlisle High School, Concord, MA; and E. Rennert, M. Pavlik, A. Grant, L. Mccrory, M. Charde, and T. Ruggiero

The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
Kathryn Boyd, CIRES, Boulder, CO; and A. U. Gold, F. Niepold, S. Lynds, A. Morton, M. Bruckner, K. Kirk, C. Manning, P. Chandler, and T. Shapiro Ledley

Handout (4.3 MB)

Case Studies: The Perfect Vehicle to Drive Compelling Data into a Classroom
Margaret Holzer, Rutgers Univ. and Chatham High School, New Brunswick, NJ

Creating Microcommunities in Project Atmosphere through the Use of Blogs
Elizabeth Baugher, American Meteorological Society, Washington, DC; and W. Abshire and C. M. Kauffman

Handout (6.6 MB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner