Two sets of experiments with LIS are conducted during 26-31 August 2017 after a spin-up period. The Open-loop LIS (OL-LIS) run uses Noah-3.6 LSM with NLDAS-2 meteorology forcing, and the data assimilation run assimilates SMAP soil moisture retrievals (SMAP-DA). For both experiments, the soil layer thicknesses of 10, 30, 60 and 100 cm depth are used. Land masks are taken from the MODIS 44W land-water mask classification. The soil texture is formulated from the blended State Soil Geographic (STATSGO)v1 and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) soil texture map. SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 Km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (version5 retrievals SPL3SMP), obtained from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) are assimilated.
With the different soil states (with and without soil moisture data assimilation) in the Noah land surface model, the numerical simulations are performed using coupled Noah land surface model and WRF model to evaluate the influence of soil moisture on the evolution of Hurricane Harvey. Specific attention will be given to the impacts on the forecast of Hurricane Harvey’s rainbands and associated convective cells over the Houston metropolitan area and Southeast Texas.