Monday, 13 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
The Data Assimilation Research Testbed: Nonlinear Algorithms and Novel Applications for Community Ensemble Data Assimilation
Jeffrey L. Anderson, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and N. Collins, M. El Gharamti, T. J. Hoar, K. Raeder, F. Castruccio, J. Liang, J. Lin, J. McCreight, S. J. Noh, B. Raczka, and A. RafieeiNasab
Continued Advancements and Upgrades to the Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System
Molly Smith, U.S. National Ice Center, Suitland, MD; and K. Berberich, W. Clark, D. McCormick, J. E. Upperman, M. Lowe, J. Woods, J. Smith, and S. R. Helfrich
The Pandora Spectrometer Instrument: 10 Years of Evolution
Alex Kotsakis, NASA, Greenbelt, ME; and F. Santos, A. Cede, N. Abuhassan, B. L. Lefer, L. Shalaby, J. Szykman, E. Spinei Lind, L. Valin, D. J. Williams, M. G. Kowalewski, J. Herman, and R. Swap

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner