Poster Session 1 Integrated Urban Services (IUS)—A Pathway to Sustainable Urban Systems (Poster)

Monday, 13 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 15th Symposium on the Urban Environment
Chandana Mitra, Auburn Univ., Geosciences, Auburn, AL

This is the corresponding poster session of the same title oral session.

"Smart City Auburn" App—A Tool to Assess How Smart Your City Is
Megha Shrestha, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL; and C. Mitra

Diurnal Variations of Summer Precipitation in the Xinjiang Region
Chunyan Chen, Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory, Urumqi, China

Change of Precipitation Characteristics in the City of Prague with Relation to Its Population Growth
Michal Zak, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Praha, Czech Republic; and V. Kveton

Building Resilient Cities through Climate-Aware Urban Design: A Case Study for Istanbul
Muge Komurcu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; and J. Susskind, A. M. Berger, M. E. Camlibel, and C. Avci

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner