397 Diurnal Variations of Summer Precipitation in the Xinjiang Region

Monday, 13 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Chunyan Chen, Xinjiang Meteorological Observatory, Urumqi, China

The fundamental diurnal variation features of summer precipitation over Xinjiang region were investigated based on hourly precipitation data of 1991-2014 from all 16 national stations in this region. The results show that, the diurnal variation of the precipitation amount in northern Xinjiang presents nearly a single peak and low, and the precipitation amount almost decrease monotonically during the whole night. Differently, the diurnal variation of the precipitation amount in southern Xinjiang shows triple peaks and lows. The precipitation frequency appears high value in the evening, and the trend of diurnal variation of precipitation frequency is consistent with that of precipitation amount in northern Xinjiang. In Xinjiang region, 1-5 hour short-duration precipitation are dominated events in summer, especially in south Xinjiang, and the precipitation events lasting longer than 12h happen rarely. The contribution rates of short-duration and long-duration precipitation events in total precipitation are greater and lower than those in the middle to east of China respectively.
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