871 Growing Representation of Women in NOAA Tropical Cyclone Reconnaissance Research: Part I

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Kelly Ryan, NOAA/AOML and Univ. of Miami, Miami, FL; CIMAS/Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and L. Bucci

NOAA made history in 2018 when its Hurricane Hunter reconnaissance mission into Lane was led by its first all-female science crew. A chronicle of NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division (HRD) reveals the growing influence of women in flight operations, research, and leadership. Contributions from women have increased significantly within a single generation. Dr. Joanne Simpson pioneered the field of tropical cyclone (TC) data collection by leading some of the most well-known TC reconnaissance projects, such as STORMFURY, which laid the foundation for present-day TC research and prediction. Through her scientific accomplishments within a male-dominated field, she paved the way for women to advance exciting innovations in science.

From the emergence of methodical TC aircraft missions to real-time operations today, female scientists at HRD have influenced which measurements are recognized as crucial for real-time TC forecasts and what new data may have the greatest potential for future improvements to TC prediction. These women design and execute objectives on NOAA’s Hurricane Hunter aircraft through regular deployments into the field when potential target storms develop, and a growing number of them have assumed leading roles in crucial decision making for NOAA’s annual Hurricane Field Program (HFP). Through various HRD female science perspectives, Part 1 of this 2-piece review emphasizes the operational impact of their studies on data quality control, observation impacts on data assimilation and modeling, aircraft procedure optimization, and potential improvements using novel instrumentation. From managing family life while on deployment to advancing operational strategies, the women of HRD have overcome numerous obstacles related to hierarchical gender segregation and recruitment. These difficulties provide a platform for changes that will ultimately affect the continued integration of women into hurricane reconnaissance applications, a focus in Part 2 of this review.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner