Monday, 13 January 2020: 11:45 AM
154 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Decadal climate prediction can provide invaluable information for decisions made by government agencies and industry. Modes of internal variability of the ocean play an important role in determining the climate on decadal time scales. This study explores the possibility of using the self-organizing maps (SOM) to identify decadal climate variability with the ultimate goal of improving decadal climate prediction. SOM is applied to 11-year running mean winter Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the North Pacific and North Atlantic within the Community Earth System Model 1850 pre-industrial simulation to identify patterns of internal variability in SSTs. Transitional probability tables are calculated to identify preferred paths through the SOM with time. Results show both persistence and preferred evolutions of SST depending on the initial SST pattern. This method also provides a measure of the predictability of these SST patterns, with the North Atlantic being predictable at longer lead time than the North Pacific. Associations of identified SST patterns with both global mean surface temperature and surface temperature patterns are also explored to assess their potential implications for atmospheric variability.