The evaluation of NOAA Atlas 14 was first used to estimate point rainfall frequency values for extreme storms compiled in Eastern Colorado through 1997 (McKee and Doesken, 1997) with the September 2013 Storm added. Most of these extreme storm data were from rainfall bucket surveys at miscellaneous (or ungaged) sites. The analysis indicates more than a dozen storms exceeded not only a 1,000-year recurrence interval, but many storms exceeded 10,000 to 100,000-year recurrence intervals. The 2013 storm of 510 mm has about a 100,000-year recurrence interval. For comparison, the July 1976 Big Thompson Canyon storm, which produced Colorado’s deadliest flood, had a point rainfall of about 355 mm in 4 hours with an associated recurrence interval far exceeding one million years. The envelope curve of maximum rainfall for various storm durations in eastern Colorado has a recurrence interval of about 500 million years. These results are implausible and strongly suggests NOAA Atlas 14 overestimates storm frequency for “rare events” in eastern Colorado. The evaluation of NOAA Atlas 14 was then expanded to include selected record flood-producing rainstorms in the United States (O’Connor and Costa, 2004; Costa and Jarrett, 2008), which had similar results as for eastern Colorado. The most likely explanation for these excessive rainfall frequencies is because NOAA Atlas 14 is only based on analysis of rainfall data at gaged sites. Improvements to NOAA Atlas 14 would benefit from use of the availability of over a thousand rainfall bucket data at ungaged sites compiled for the United States (unpublished data, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado), as well as validated NEXRAD rainfall estimates. Additional comprehensive assessments of NOAA Atlas 14 for estimating infrequent rainstorms for possible NOAA Atlas 14 revision appears warranted, particularly in areas where the most extreme rainfall data are comprised of bucket data obtained at miscellaneous sites (e.g., rural areas where gage records are sparse).