725 The American Association of State Climatologists: Advancing the Development and Delivery of Science-Based Climate Services

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Glenn Kerr, American Association of State Climatologists, Asheville, NC

The American Association of State Climatologists (AASC) is a professional, scientific organization dedicated to supporting efforts to build and sustain effective State Climate Offices throughout the United States. Through its AASC Recognized State Climate Office (ARSCO) program, the organization has established best practices and standards for applied and service climatology in the areas of: communications and information services; research, outreach, and climate monitoring; and impact assessments. State Climate Office development assistance and program review by a community of peers within the organization help ensure the highest standards for State Climate Offices and also provide accreditation through the ‘ARSCO’ designation. Through its Mesonet Community of Practice, AASC champions in-situ climate monitoring networks to collect high-quality data that are representative of local and regional variations in climate. Additionally, AASC has adopted a set of guidelines and best practices for establishing and operating mesonets. With membership extending well beyond the State Climatologist community, the AASC facilitates interaction and collaboration among applied climatologists and providers of climate services at the state, regional and national levels. AASC promotes timely and effective communication of climate information at the state and local levels, as well as educational outreach to increase climate literacy among stakeholder communities and the general public. A representative overview of effective State Climate Office programs is offered to illustrate these initiatives.
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