6.2 The Meteorological Merger of Science and Communications at Penn State

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 9:15 AM
204AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Jon M. Nese, The Pennsylvania State Univ., Univ. Park, PA; and R. M. Lydick

More than six decades of television weather history at Penn State have shaped a world-renowned Weather Communications program that teaches and develops student excellence in effective communication. Three courses and multiple out-of-classroom opportunities coach communication skills with innovative and relevant content on a variety of platforms. The capstone experience is Weather World, a weather and climate magazine show that airs on public television and the statewide Pennsylvania Cable Network. Students are given a wide range of on-air experience with anchoring, forecasting, and reporting assignments, as well as behind-the-scenes opportunities for directing, producing, and creating graphics. These experiences with Weather World and the Weather Communications program empower and equip students for careers in broadcasting and beyond.
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