13B.2 Early Adoption Preferences for GOES ABI Channels and Products in Support of Various NOAA Missions

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 1:45 PM
253B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Louis Cantrell Jr., 6213 Brooklyn Bridge Rd, Laurel, MD; and D. Helms, A. Pratt, S. J. Taijeron, J. Conran, and J. Goldstein

Handout (1.6 MB)

The Technology, Planning, and Integration for Observation (TPIO) division within NOAA/NESDIS/OPPA was tasked by the NOAA Observing System Council (NOSC) to create a NOAA-wide Value Model that can derive an integrated value of observing systems to NOAA’s diverse suite of mission. This model, also known as the NOAA Observing System Integrated Analysis (NOSIA), was completed in 2014 and has served as a decision support tool for NOAA Line Office (LO) leadership. Refresh of the model to include impacts from GOES satellites launched post-2014 have identified Subject Matter Expert preferences for single channel GOES Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) imagery; imagery derived from multiple channels/channel differences assigned to the colors red, green, and blue (RGB products); as well as other Baseline GOES products depending on the specific operational mission service they support. These preferences are motivated by phenomenological feature identification preferences relevant to the mission service. This talk will identify those preferences and discuss TPIO’s efforts in updating the NOAA Value Tree to capture these preferences through structured expert elicitation.
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