1312 A Study on Observation Diagnosis Assessment of Atmospheric Water and Cloud Water Resources

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Miao Cai Jr., Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, Beijing, Beijing, China; and Y. Zhou Sr., C. Tan Jr., and Z. Hu Sr.

Based on the conception and assessment methods of Atmospheric Water Resource (AWR)and Cloud Water Resource (CWR),the Observation Diagnosis Assessment Scheme is established in this paper, and the relevant parameters of A/CWR in North China,in typical months are calculated and analyzed. (1) Based on atmospheric reanalysis data, satellite, surface precipitation observation, and three-dimensional cloud water field diagnostic products, the Observation Diagnosis Assessment Scheme of Atmospheric/Cloud Water resource(A/CWR-ODA) is proposed. AWR and CWR in any region and time period can be assessed, during the process, 16 basic physical quantities (such as atmospheric water status and flow etc.) and 11 characteristic quantities (like atmospheric water resource and cloud water resource etc.) can be obtained, of which surface evaporation and cloud condensation/evaporation are approximated by atmospheric water balance residual.(2)Typical monthly diagnosis assessment results of A/CWR in North China shows that, cloud condensation has a very good correlation and consistency with surface precipitation in spatial distribution and temporal evolution. To the gross amount of atmospheric hydrometeor(GMh) and its precipitation efficiency(PEh), cloud condensation contributes most. Compared with water vapor and AWR, it is more reasonable to use atmospheric hydrometeor and CWR to study precipitation. Compared to April, GMh in August is significantly higher, but due to the higher PEh, the increase of CWR is not obvious. The abundant CWR is mainly in the areas with higher GMh but lower PEh, which also can be proved from daily assessment results. (3) Comparing the observational diagnosis assessment results to numerical simulation assessment results in the same period and region, the A/CWR parameters obtained from the two schemes are generally close. The diagnosed monthly and daily variation of surface evaporation and cloud net condensation are consistent with numerical simulation results,which indicated that A/CWR-ODA established in this paper is basically reasonable.
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