1313 A Study on Numerical Simulation Assessment of Atmospheric Water and Cloud Water Resources

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Chao Tan Jr., Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, Beijing, Beijing, China; and Y. Zhou Sr., M. Cai Jr., and Z. Hu Sr.

The purpose of the research is to build a mesoscale cloud-resolved numerical model system for atmospheric water/cloud water resource assessment based on the concept which proposed by paper 1 and Cloud Precipitation Explicit Forecast system (CPEFS) that already running at the Weather Modification Center of Chinese Meteorological Administration. This study obtained characteristic variable of the moisture budget and numerical simulation evaluation results of the atmospheric water resource and cloud water resource through a month of (April and August) continuous simulation in North China. The result show that 1, the model system is stable and enables continuous simulation for one month. 2, the estimation of the water budget of the water vapor and hydrometeor substance (less than 1% error) showed that the water substance was generally balanced. 3, compared with the observational data from the CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center’s MORPHing technique) and NECP reanalysis data, it is confirmed that the simulating capability of the Numerical Simulation Assessment scheme of Atmospheric/Cloud Water Recourse(A/CWR-NSA) was better especially for the spatial distribution of monthly cumulative precipitation, daily precipitation intensity, and monthly average spatial distribution of water vapor. 4, further compared with the observational data from the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) show that the simulation results are consistent in distribution, trend and magnitude, but strong center slightly biased. 5, the result of simulation evaluation reveals that the region with abundant cloud water resource located in areas with full atmospheric water resource, high rate of condensation, and low precipitation efficiency. Moreover, the renewal cycle of water vapor and hydrometeor is positively correlated with atmospheric water resource and cloud water resource.
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