Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Lisa Bucci, NOAA, Miami, FL; and K. Ryan
Just as Dr. Joanne Simpson laid the foundation for female involvement in exciting research using hurricane aircraft observations, the women of NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division (HRD) have set the stage for future generations of hurricane hunters. Part 1 of this series describes the history of contributions to tropical cyclone (TC) reconnaissance research from the women of HRD. Part 2 takes this one step further and focuses on current aspects of hurricane research that directly impact capabilities of operational TC prediction. This includes leading efforts to improve the collection, validation, and assimilation of observations retrieved during NOAA’s annual Hurricane Field Program (HFP). While an increase in female participation and leadership is encouraging, the women of HRD continue to overcome a variety of hurdles.
This review emphasizes key challenges facing women in the context of the field’s current demographics and recruitment within tropical cyclone research. There is a particular focus on addressing existing difficulties such as retention of female employees, advancing operational procedures, and managing personal life. Solutions to ongoing obstacles to career growth are proposed and discussed and explore how to create a positive and encouraging work environment through the process of mentorship and inclusion. The participation and feedback from the ever-growing community of female scientists is encouraged. Through increased communication and public outreach, HRD aims to ensure the continued advancement of a highly-valued female presence.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner