976 The Lightning and Dual-Polarization Radar Characteristics of Three Hail-Accumulating Thunderstorms

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Robinson W. Wallace, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO; and K. Friedrich, W. Deierling, E. A. Kalina, and P. T. Schlatter

Handout (10.6 MB)

Thunderstorms that produce significant hail accumulations at the surface impact residents by obstructing roadways, closing airports, and causing localized flooding from hail-clogged drainages. Storms that produce significant hail accumulations, sometimes in excess of 50 cm, have recently gained the interest of the scientific community. However, identifying these storms in real-time remains difficult in part because observable differences between these storms and storms that produce non-impactful hail accumulations have yet to be identified. Similarly, the characteristics within a single storm that are useful to quantity or predict hail accumulations at the surface are not understood fully. This study uses lightning and dual-polarization radar data to characterize hail accumulations from three storms that occurred on the same day along the Colorado/Wyoming Front Range. Each storm produced a maximum hail accumulation of 22 cm, 7 cm, and no accumulation. The magnitude of surface hail accumulations is found to be dependent on a combination of in-cloud hail production, storm translation speed, and hailstone melting. The optimal combination for substantial hail accumulations is elevated in-cloud hail production, slow storm speed, and limited hailstone melting. However, during periods of similar in-cloud hail production, lesser accumulations were observed when storm speed and/or hailstone melting was sufficiently large. These results will aid forecasters in identifying in real-time when hail accumulations are occurring.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner